
The primary objective of the Scholarship Chair is to search for outstanding student photographers, select and reward the best photos, and submit the prize winning photos to the PSA Youth Showcase.  One deserving senior at an area High School will receive the “Best Senior” award, plus prizes will be given to top photos in each of the Youth Showcase categories. The Scholarship Chair holds a voting position on the Loveland Photographic Society (LPS) Board of Directors, and should make every effort to attend all board meetings (six scheduled per year: first Tuesday of odd months) to help direct the club in the decision making process.

Basic Duties

  1. To contact each school's Art and Photography teacher to solicit candidates for a scholarship.
  2. To enlist help from other members when needed.
  3. To make the selection of one deserving senior for this scholarship.

Time Commitment:

There is about a 7-month time commitment (Oct. – April). The committee must produce and distribute  applications to be filed out by the students applying for the Youth Showcase.  Photos are collected by committee members and organized for judging.  Using a judging process, the top awards in each Youth Showcase category and “Best Senior” award are named.  Ribbons and prizes are given to Youth Showcase winners.  Award winning photos are entered into the PSA Youth Showcase.


To encourage the younger generation to pursue photography as an interest and/or career.

Updated 11/2018

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